Centuries after the events of FREDDY VS JASON, both combatants' wounds have healed, and they have forgotten their epic rivalry... This is FREDDY x JASON. OPEN ON: DARKNESS. Teeming, serpentine tendrils of darkness whispering over one another. As the TITLES fade in and out onscreen, a young girl's voice chants faintly: "One, two, Freddy's coming for you..." Fade out the Freddy rhyme, cue the ominous "ki ki ki, ma ma ma..." DISSOLVE TO: INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE We are looking out the window of a well-furnished and friendly high-rise office. PULL BACK to reveal a man in his mid-twenties, WILL JOHNSON. Will sits in a shirt and tie across from a YOUNG GIRL, 7 or 8, in a flowery white dress. She crosses her legs and stares anxiously at the floor. WILL So you've been having bad dreams? YOUNG GIRL Yes. Will nods. Setting his blank notepad on the coffee table between them, he leans in and speaks in a conspiratorial whisper. WILL This is a safe place. Bad dreams can't get you here. I promise. You can tell me about them, if you want. The girl nods reluctantly, crossing and uncrossing her legs. WILL You know, I used to have bad dreams, too. When I was a boy. What's your name? YOUNG GIRL Alice. WILL Alice. That's a pretty name. My name's Will. She looks away shyly. WILL (CONT'D) I used to have all sorts of scary dreams. But once I woke up, and talked about them - they went away. (beat) Dreams aren't really real. They can't get you. And once you forget about them, they go away. YOUNG GIRL That's what they all thought. WILL What? Something draws Will's gaze O.S.: WILL'S POV: A bald-headed BOY in damp swim trunks runs past the open doorway. WILL I thought I closed that door...will you hold on a minute, Alice? He gets up and exits into the hall. INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS The corridor of the plush office suite is empty. TRACK Will as he walks down the hall into the waiting room of his practice. WILL Hello? Casting an irritated glance toward the abandoned secretary's post, he walks out. CUT TO: EXT. DREAM CITY The sky is overcast with a strange greenish hue as Will steps onto a sidewalk cradled between glass-and-steel skyscrapers - a sidewalk that should, by all means, be bustling with people. But it isn't, and the street is deserted as well -- His voice echoes as he shouts. WILL Hello?? A red sedan turns the corner at the end of the block, behind him. Will watches as the empty car drifts to the other side of the road, rolls up and curb and nudges a cornerstone. WILL What's going on? YOUNG GIRL (O.S.) It's only a dream. Will's head snaps downward - we see only a BLOODY WHITE DRESS matted into the sidewalk. WILL What's going on?! PAN AROUND Will to reveal someone behind him: Dressed in a long leather overcoat, from which emerges the vulture-like skull, covered in gruesome scar tissue and open sores -- Under a pair of frameless sunglasses resting on a hawklike nose, burned lips part to reveal blackened, cracked teeth. Will makes the turn to face FREDDY KRUEGER. Freddy grins and plucks the shades off his face. FREDDY Like what I've done with the place? WILL I know who you are. FREDDY That's how I got in. Will BACKFLIPS into the air, away from Freddy, landing on the corner of the block. WILL Stay away from me! FREDDY I'm everywhere, Will! NEW ANGLE: Will spins to find Krueger right behind him. Metallic rasping as Freddy splays his claws. Will sprints across the street, past the red car and into the building it struck. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL LOBBY Will crashes into the reception desk, sweeping over it with his hands. WILL Phone, c'mon, where's the phone? He looks up to find a genial bellhop Freddy behind the counter. FREDDY Take any room you want, Will - they're all yours! He laughs as Will scrambles into an elevator. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY The elevator spits Will out. He hits the floor running, pounding on every door he passes. WILL HELP ME!! SOMEONE HELP!! Suddenly Will slips and stumbles to a stop -- EXT. HOTEL WIDE - The rest of the building has been sheared away, leaving a twenty-story drop below Will's feet - and a charred, blackened, dead city beyond! WILL No. No! Freddy, like an ant crawling through the wreckage below, waves and calls up. He is wearing the overcoat again. FREDDY It's time for a new world, Will! You and me! WILL I won't help you!! FREDDY You already have! You're my fall guy! The remnant of the hallway beneath Will's feet begins to fracture and crumble. He staggers back, but not in time -- Will tumbles away from the hotel and toward the earth, screaming as Freddy cackles! CUT TO: EXT. MORPHEUS - SPACE The Morpheus is a spaceship, an medium-sized construct that, for all its mass and power, is drifting dead through space. Drifting sideways. PAN AROUND the enormous thrusters to reveal a gorgeous blue planet far below - this is Earth 2. CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT The two seats that would normally accommodate the pilot and copilot are smeared with gore. The windshield and navigational consoles are similarly drenched in gobs of grue. A series of SMASH CUTS reveals the carnage all over the silent ship: In a corridor, a shriveled skeleton of a woman hangs by her neck from a cable. A crew member's quarters is littered with limbs whose fingers and toes are curled in agony. A man sits at a computer console, his hands still resting on the touchpad - his head is split down the middle like a ripe fruit. One of his eyes blinks. INT. CRYOLAB In the cryostasis unit, there are several chambers swathed in shadow. Each one is a slender pod with a transparent hatch. Most of the hatches are red, as if the occupants had exploded. One pod is still lit up, and clean - inside, Will Johnson lies in suspended animation. The rest of the lab hums to life, the grotesque scene illuminated by harsh fluorescent lighting. CUT TO: INT. COCKPIT The controls return to full power. Characters dance across a display monitor. CUT TO: EXT. MORPHEUS - SPACE The ship's thrusters fire up, and the Morpheus heads down toward Earth 2... CUT TO: EXT. EMERALD LAKE - NIGHT The body of water is enormous, peaceful and still, flanked by a lush forest. This is the lake where Jason Voorhees met his end. CRANE OVER the water - then DOWN INTO IT, piercing the reflective surface and its star map, past indiscernible shapes to the lake bed, where several lights seem to be embedded in the earth. PAN UP. The distorted image of the Morpheus is dropping toward us. NEW ANGLE The Morpheus PLOWS into the bottom of the lake with a muffled roar! Clouds of earth and bubbles explode around the ship, FILLING THE FRAME. CUT TO: INT. EMERALD LAKE RESEARCH FACILITY - CORRIDOR We now find ourselves in a trembling steel hallway. Metallic echoes of the crash reverberate through the air. A man in futuristic combat fatigues stumbles around the corner and into the floor. A handsome Pacific Islander named SOMAS, he gets to his feet and looks upward. SOMAS What the fuck? CUT TO: INT. LAB A huge glass container topples from a table and shatters on the floor. Acidic smoke boils into the air. A beautiful young woman - Doctor ASHLEY RIDGEMONT - throws her arms in front of her face and runs to slap a panel on the wall. Air vents open all around the enormous lab and begin sucking the fumes out. The doctor breathes a sigh of relief into her sleeve. An older man with a shock of white hair runs into the room. FROST What was that, Ash?? An explosion? ASH No, Doctor Frost. At least, not in here. FROST Dammit, it was those grunts, I'm sure of it! We haven't had one damned moment of peace since they got here! ASH I think it came from above, Frost. FROST What, from the lake? Don't be absurd. (suddenly worried) You don't think there was a breach, do you? Are we flooding? We have to get out of here! ASH Hold on! She taps a computer screen mounted on the table. ASH (CONT'D) There was an impact in the lake. The only breach is in Containment Two. There's nothing in there, anyway. FROST Well then, we need to seal it off! ASH I will. YLLAND (O.S.) Do no such thing. Military commander YLLAND, his age falling somewhere between Ash's and Frost's but his intimidating presence unmatched, marches into the lab. YLLAND (CONT'D) We need to assess the damage before we seal off an entire containment unit. FROST Commander Ylland, with all due respect I think I understand this facility a little better than you do! YLLAND And I clearly understand military protocol better than you. This is a government facility, DOCTOR. He touches a comm headset on his ear. YLLAND (CONT'D) China, Kurt, head to Containment Two. Be careful, there's a breach. Frost crosses his arms and sneers. FROST This is ridiculous! I'll file a formal complaint! YLLAND File away. It'll be ten years before anyone gives a shit, and by then you'll be pissing in a bag in some retirement home. He pats Frost on the shoulder and exits. INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Ash races out after Ylland. YLLAND (INTO HEADSET) Somas, check out Containment One. ASH Commander? YLLAND Yes, Doctor Ridgemont? ASH Please, Ash. YLLAND What do you need, Ash? ASH I really think I should check out Containment One. YLLAND You don't have clearance. ASH I did before your platoon settled in here. YLLAND I'm sorry Ash, it's for your own safety. We both remember what happened to your predecessors. The comment stops Ash dead in her tracks. Ylland leaves her in his wake. CUT TO: INT. CONTAINMENT ONE In a huge, sterile steel cube rests a clear tank filled with a silvery liquid. PFC JARVES, whose zealous look is only visible through the visor of a filtration helmet, paces back and forth in front of the tank. There is a small observation window beside the thick door. Somas walks through the observation area and speaks through an intercom. SOMAS (INTERCOM) Jarves! JARVES Yes sir? SOMAS (INTERCOM) How's the subject? JARVES No change, sir. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS Somas listens as Jarves' voice is piped over speakers. JARVES (CONT'D) This is the most boring fucking detail I've had yet. I thought this subject was high-risk? SOMAS He IS. Trust me. JARVES What's the story behind this guy, anyway? INT. CONTAINMENT ONE CRANE OVER the tank, which doesn't have a cover. It is filled to the brim with mercury, the silvery-white liquid metal moving slightly over some indistinct form. CLOSE IN on the form as Somas speaks: SOMAS (INTERCOM) Jason Voorhees. Quicksilver slides over the pink flesh of an unformed face. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM Jarves approaches the space-age glass as Somas goes on. SOMAS (CONT'D) He was found frozen on Earth Prime five years ago, by some archaeological students. They thought he was dead...until he thawed out. JARVES Wait...is this the guy who caused the Solaris disaster? SOMAS Right. He already had 200-plus kills to his credit, added another 1500. (pause) He plunged through the atmosphere into Emerald Lake, right above us. This facility was established in order to contain and study his remains. JARVES What the hell was left of him after re-entry? SOMAS Not much. His legs, torso, half a head and some armor. But he started to regenerate. JARVES You mean, grow back? SOMAS Yep. Sealed inside that armor, he just grew himself back to life, before the doctors' eyes. INT. CONTAINMENT ONE Jarves glances at the Uber mask fastened to the wall above the door. SOMAS (INTERCOM) They don't know if it was the nanotech in his remains, or some biological equivalent... (pause) A month ago, he sat up and killed most of the staff. That's why we're here, Jarves. JARVES So what's keeping this guy from killing me right now? SOMAS (INTERCOM) He's immersed in mercury. It paralyzes his nervous system, slows down the regeneration process. He's comatose. JARVES So he doesn't know I'm here. Right? SOMAS (INTERCOM) Well, you never know. JARVES Fuck you! Somas grins. Jarves punches the glass and walks over to the tank. He unsheaths a machete from his belt. SOMAS (INTERCOM) What're you doing, Jarves? JARVES Just in case, man... CUT TO: EXT. CORRIDOR Outside a huge steel door with "CONTAINMENT TWO" emblazoned on it, two toughs are comparing battle scars. CHINATOWN, a huge, muscular Asian, shows a long scar on his shoulder to KURT. CHINATOWN Bayonet, New Vietnam, 2049. Kurt sighs and rolls up his sleeve to show a metal joint fused into his elbow. KURT Caught some shrapnel during a training exercise. CHINATOWN Oooh, a training exercise. Damn. He grins good-naturedly. KURT Hey Chinatown, half my arm got fucking blown off. It was hanging by a thread, okay? Chinatown nods and removes a bandana from around his bald head. He taps one side of his skull. CHINATOWN Six-inch plate. Kurt crosses his arms in disdain. KURT From what? CHINATOWN Asteroid. KURT Whoa. CHINATOWN (INTO HEADSET) Commander, Containment Two has been seriously compromised, recommending that we just seal it off. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM Ylland stands with RADSHA, an African-American woman, and the gloating Dr. Frost. YLLAND Copy that, China. FROST Hmmm, interesting. YLLAND I guess I owe you dinner, Frost. Next time I'm in the Occupied Zone I'll grab you some space squid. FROST Space squid is nauseating. YLLAND Well, you look a lot alike. (into headset) Marks, Rizzo. CUT TO: INT. ENTRYWAY MARKS and RIZZO, a pair of hot young recruits, are making out in a sloping corridor. Marks tugs Rizzo's combat vest off her shoulders. YLLAND (BLARING OVER HEADSET) Marks! RIZZO Mmmm, don't stop. MARKS Hold on. (into headset) Yes, sir? INTERCUT between Marks and Ylland. YLLAND You're on perimeter detail. Get topside. Rizzo grins and licks her lips. MARKS Yes, sir! YLLAND And Marks... MARKS Yeah? YLLAND If I hear about any more of your "dishonorable discharges" I'm going to make your ass my new foot locker. MARKS ...Yes sir. He frowns apologetically at Rizzo. RIZZO I'll get the tent? His mood changes quickly. MARKS Okay! CUT TO: INT. BUNKER Several soldiers are suiting up in armor, among them Chinatown and Kurt, as well as CORAL, a Latina who is hovering around Kurt, HAPPY, a wild-haired, bearded guy with a glazed look on his face, and GENZ, who suits up in the corner by herself. Ylland and Radsha enter. Happy crams a combat helmet over his hairdo. YLLAND We've got a ship in the lake. CORAL Survivors? YLLAND Tak is reading no life on board, but we need to get up there quick. It'll be myself, Radsha -- She nods and opens her locker. YLLAND Chinatown, Tak, and a couple of our doctors. KURT Wait - what about the rest of us? YLLAND I want to make sure that this facility doesn't spring any more leaks. You stay here. GENZ I thought we were going to get some serious experience on this detail! YLLAND Be careful what you wish for, Genz. (walking over to Happy) I know I told you to shave that head. Do I need Chinatown to do it for you? HAPPY No, sir, yes sir. YLLAND All right, let's roll! INT. MORPHEUS - CARGO BAY An airlock hatch slides open with a strained groan of gears. Ylland, Radsha, Chinatown, Frost and Ash step onto the ship. They are followed by TAK, a synthetic with a fittingly artificial look about him, very clean-cut and naive in appearance. YLLAND Tak? TAK I'm reading no life-forms thus far. (looking around bay) Do you realize how old this ship is? At least 330 years. I've only seen models like this in simulator programs. RADSHA What's a 330-year-old ship doing in this sector? YLLAND Or anywhere, for that matter. TAK I don't understand how it still has power. RADSHA You're the android, Tak, you figure it out. TAK Oh, I will. He smiles at her and proceeds into the darkness of the bay. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR They move quietly down the dimly-lit hallway. FROST Ylland... YLLAND Yes Doctor? FROST If this ship is as old as Tak says, that means it was probably one of the first to flee Earth Prime, when the planet became uninhabitable. YLLAND True. FROST What if some sort of plague killed off the crew? We really shouldn't be here without protection. YLLAND Tak didn't detect any contaminants. FROST He's only a machine. YLLAND You programmed him, not me. Further up, Tak walks with Radsha. TAK So, what are you packing? She whips two bulky pistols from their holsters. RADSHA Twin Gyros. These babies will punch through three inches of fused titanium. TAK That's quite impressive. Radsha gives him a smirk. TAK What? She hands him the guns. RADSHA Here. I've got another one. TAK Well, I don't think there will be any need for them, but thank you. RADSHA I want 'em back when we return to base. TAK Of course. He eyes the guns with fascination. CUT TO: INT. CRYOLAB They all grimace at the death which litters the walls and floor. TAK Commander, there's a viable in here. A male. He points to the last chamber, Will's chamber. ASH What's his condition? Tak sets down the pistols at a console and taps it rapidly. TAK Name's Will Johnson. He was rendered comatose in a vehicular accident in 2037. Very badly damaged. They tried cloning his vital organs for transplantation, but his body kept rejecting them. (beat) So, they put him on ice. FROST Body rejecting its own tissue? Preposterous. RADSHA (SARCASTICALLY) Yeah Doc, we all know how well cloning worked out. TAK 100 years later, in 2137, he was flown off Earth Prime on this ship. The Morpheus. FROST Perhaps his curious condition is related to some sort of plague, Tak? TAK I doubt it. Frost is growing more paranoid by the minute. YLLAND Do you know how to bring him out of cryostasis? TAK Let me see. The computer's fighting me...but I can hack it. A moment later, the pod hisses and its transparent door retracts. YLLAND Doctors? Frost steps away. Ash walks over to Will and cracks open a small box like a first-aid kit. ASH I'll hook him up to some nanoware. He should be fine. YLLAND Too bad they couldn't heal him so easily in his own time. FROST What happened to these other people? The entire crew is dead except for this man. I think awakening him without further examination is a terrible idea. YLLAND Lucky for you, you don't make the decisions around here. Chinatown stands on the other side of Will's pod with a pulse rifle. ASH I don't think you'll need that. CHINATOWN Better safe than sorry, ma'am. She feeds a tube into Will's bandaging. His torso throbs under the wrappings. ASH Nanotech is working perfectly. Will's eyelids flutter open. ASH You're all right, Will. He sits up with a shriek, causing even Chinatown to recoil. WILL You've gotta get out of here! He killed them! He killed everyone! ASH Who? He looks directly at her with a chilling expression. WILL Freddy! YLLAND Get back, Doctor! Chinatown shoves Ash back with the barrel of his rifle, which he then trains on Will's head. CHINATOWN You need to calm down, PRONTO. WILL No, you don't understand! He killed them ALL! You're already dead! YOU'RE ALREADY -- A syringe planted in his shoulder renders him unconscious. ASH Sorry about that. FROST He's hysterical! TAK It might just be cryo-shock. RADSHA MIGHT be? TAK He's been frozen since 2037...how did he know that everyone else on this ship was dead? FROST We need to get out of here. YLLAND Doctor Frost -- FROST What if he's a plague-carrier? We don't know what wiped out Earth Prime! What if he's right and we're already dead? YLLAND If that's the case then there's no sense in panicking, Frost! I'm going to have to ask you to leave this room. FROST Excuse me? YLLAND Go back to ELRF. We don't need you. FROST But, I... He looks to Ash for some sort of support from his colleague; no dice. He storms out. YLLAND Tak? Any suggestions for unraveling this mystery? TAK I could plug in. ASH Are you sure, Tak? TAK Yes. Plug me into his neural system and I can interpret his electrical signals. (beat) I might be able to sift through his memory and find out what he knows. Tak puts the Gyro pistols in his waistband and sits down beside the pod. TAK (CONT'D) It's the only way. YLLAND All right. Doctor - I mean Ash, you and Radsha supervise. China, let's check out the rest of this bloodbath. Ylland and China exit. Ash takes a screwdriver from her nanokit and lifts Tak's hairpiece. RADSHA Do you know what you're doing? ASH No, I'm just going to stab around until something breaks. (pause) Sorry. Radsha scowls. TAK Ashley is one of the pioneers of this technology, Radsha. I'll be fine. RADSHA Sorry, I didn't know we were dealing with a prodigy here. She plops down in a console chair and watches. ASH It'll be like Tak is entering this guy's dreams. He'll be able to interpret brain signals as images. RADSHA So you can read this guy's mind? TAK More or less. Ash feeds a wire from Tak's head into the pod. ASH I'll have to open his skull. Just a a minute... A pocket laser cuts away a section of Will's skull. She removes it from the cauterized hole. RADSHA Why the hell do I have to stay behind at the science fair? TAK Because you're a girl. He grins widely at her. RADSHA I hate you. TAK No you don't. ASH Ready, Tak? TAK Let's go. He closes his eyes. CUT TO: EXT. DREAM CITY Tak is standing in the middle of the street - not the apocalyptic cityscape where we last saw Freddy, but the peaceful, empty canyon of skyscrapers. TAK Will? Will is suddenly behind Tak. WILL You're not him. TAK Him who? WILL How are you in here with me? TAK In a minute. He looks admiringly at the city. TAK You've maintained quite a subconscious here. I've never seen one so...controlled. WILL I didn't make it. TAK Then who did? WIDE - Freddy's claws drop INTO FRAME and click against one another. Tak turns. Freddy stands in all his original glory, tattered brown fedora, red-and-green sweater, swaggering down the street like he owns the place. FREDDY Fresh meat. TAK No meat here, friend. Freddy frowns and looks Tak over. FREDDY What are you? TAK I'm a synthetic. I assume you represent some sort of trauma related to the Morpheus incident. A little confused, Freddy circles Tak and Will. FREDDY Do you...fear? He splays his claws. TAK No. He whips out twin Gyros. CUT TO: INT. CRYOLAB Tak pulls out the real pistols. CUT TO: EXT. DREAM CITY Freddy's eyes widen before an ungodly onslaught of bullets tears through him, throwing him across the street and into the side of a building. Windows shatter along its length. WILL Holy shit! TAK No kidding! Freddy gets to his feet, more flabbergasted than ever. Tak unloads into him with subdued glee, advancing across the street. CUT TO: INT. CRYOLAB Tak isn't firing the pistols in real life, but he does have a small smile. CUT TO: EXT. DREAM CITY Freddy's body jolts like a rag doll under the hail of bullets. He slides to the sidewalk (which is also pockmarked with bulletholes), and Tak steps over him. TAK Ready to talk? Freddy turns over to glare up at him. FREDDY Talk to THIS, fucker! He rolls UP the side of the building, slashing Tak's throat. Tak staggers back, his synthetic flesh tearing open to reveal damaged circuitry. CUT TO: INT. CRYOLAB Radsha stands up in shock -- As Ash backs away from the damaged Tak... CUT TO: EXT. DREAM CITY TAK What are YOU? FREDDY I am eternal. He opens his palm to Tak, and an unseen force propels the android into another building, sending brick and glass raining down. WILL NO! He tries to run at Freddy - but finds himself running in place, feet slogging through soft asphalt. Tak attacks again - this time Freddy walks through the barrage of gunfire as if it were a swarm of gnats. FREDDY I'm plugging in! He spears Tak's forehead with two claws. CUT TO: INT. CRYOLAB Tak stands up. His eyes open. ASH Tak? What's wrong? TAK (FREDDY'S VOICE) Never felt better, bitch! He points the Gyros at her. Ash vaults over the cryo pod as Tak fires. RADSHA TAK! He turns with a familiar grin, and blasts her into the computer console, shooting it up until the lights flicker and the entire ship trembles. On the other side of the pod, Ash grabs a steel pipe resting against the wall. TAK (FREDDY'S VOICE) You like playing with dolls, bitch? He steps around the pod. Ash jumps up and DECAPITATES him with a homerun swing. ASH No---! She falls to her knees beside Tak's headless body. ASH What happened to you? At the same time, Ylland and Chinatown run in. YLLAND What in the HELL is going on? CHINATOWN Radsha! He kneels beside her lifeless form. ASH Tak...malfunctioned... YLLAND My God. He buries his face in his hands. Chinatown looks from Radsha to the remaining console. CHINATOWN The ship's shift caused the hull to be compromised. Morpheus is flooding. YLLAND Ash, wake that man up and China, restrain him. ASH I don't know if he did it -- YLLAND What other explanation is there? DO IT. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR They slosh through several inches of water. A half-conscious Will is in shackles, tugged along by Chinatown. CHINATOWN Might as well leave the motherfucker in here! YLLAND No. We're going to get some fucking answers. The ceiling vomits fire and sparks ahead of them. CHINATOWN Shit! A wall blows out behind them. Water rushes in, followed by Kurt and a Hispanic soldier, LOS. LOS There they are! C'mon! CUT TO: INT. ELRF - ENTRYWAY A hatch in the ceiling opens, depositing some water and the soldiers onto the floor. LOS You all right, sir? YLLAND Yes Los, thank you. Find Frost immediately. KURT Where's Radsha? Tak? Chinatown gives him a grim look. KURT (CONT'D) Well, who's THIS guy? YLLAND Kurt, take him to the infirmary. Ash...once you're there, sedate him. She nods and follows Kurt, Chinatown and Will. INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS As soon as they've rounded the corner, Chinatown slams Will into the wall. ASH Stop! CHINATOWN What the fuck did you do to Radsha?? ASH He's barely conscious, Chinatown! Let's just sedate him! CHINATOWN You got it. He slugs Will, knocking his head into the wall with a resounding CLUNK. Will is out. CHINATOWN There. He glares defiantly at Ash. CUT TO: EXT. ELM STREET HOUSE - NIGHT Will sits up on the porch of the infamous house, now fallen into utter ruin, covered in decaying leaves and strangling vines. He steps out onto a lawn of scorched grass. Behind him, the front door swings open. CUT TO: INT. ELM STREET HOUSE - FRONT HALL Will closes his fists and shouts: WILL KRUEGER!!! The low, guttural laugh precedes Freddy as he saunters to the top of the staircase. FREDDY You don't know me, boy. WILL You've been using my dreams long enough. It's over! FREDDY Try and stop me. Will starts up the stairs. WILL I'm not afraid of you anymore. I understand you now. Freddy flinches. FREDDY You don't -- WILL I'm not afraid of you. I want you OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD. As he nears the top of the stairs, the door creaks. They both look down. A tricycle rolls into the house and stops at the bannister. The small boy in the swim trunks runs through door into the living room. FREDDY What - ? WILL No more games, Krueger! Freddy narrows his eyes and smiles. FREDDY I'm gonna catch a new ride, Will. WILL NO!!! He leaps at Freddy, who fades out. WILL WHERE ARE YOU?!? CUT TO: INT. VOORHEES HOUSE - LIVING ROOM TRACK ON the back of the young boy's misshapen head, as he pads into the living room of the house. ZOOM PAST the boy to Freddy, who enters from the other side. FREDDY Hey, kid. PAN AROUND his back to reveal that he now faces UBER-JASON! FREDDY What the fuck. Uber-Jason, mask and all, glances around the room, then back at Freddy with an "I don't know, and I don't care" look. FREDDY But you're a child! In response, Uber-Jason raises a gleaming new machete and steps forward to strike -- He stops in mid-swing. Freddy has been replaced by PAMELA VOORHEES, in her classic sweater, a pained look of betrayal on her face. She gives Uber-Jason a stern look and pushes his arm down. PAMELA Jason, don't raise your hand to your Mother! Uber-Jason tilts his head. Is he buying it? PAMELA (CONT'D) You've done well. Mother is very pleased. (beat) Now put that down. The machete hits the floor with a clang. PAMELA Good, Jason. Now comes upstairs. She walks past him into the front hall. Jason looks down at the machete. Then he walks out. INT. FRONT HALL - CONTINUOUS Uber-Jason follows Pamela upstairs and out of sight. CRANE DOWN to Freddy, who smiles in the front hall. His hands rest on the shoulders of the deformed BOY JASON. CUT TO: INT. ELRF - CONTROL ROOM Jarves is sitting with Happy and Genz. Ylland and Somas enter. YLLAND Private Jarves, return to your post! JARVES Yes, sir. Sorry sir. He quickly exits. GENZ What happened? YLLAND There was...an accident. We lost Tak and Radsha. GENZ Oh my God. HAPPY They're fucking DEAD? YLLAND Yes, and I want you two to go to the infirmary. We have a survivor in custody. HAPPY "In custody"? YLLAND He may be very dangerous. After they've left, Ylland sits down across from Somas. YLLAND Frost was worried about some sort of plague...I hope he was wrong. CUT TO: EXT. WOODS - NIGHT CU: A pneumatic gun fires a tent stake into the earth. Rizzo stands back from proudly from the tent she has finished erecting. Her headset squawks. RIZZO This is Rizzo...yes, sir. A bright green glowstick snaps to life behind her. Marks wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck. RIZZO That was Ylland. MARKS Shit. What did he say? RIZZO He said there was some sort of problem...we're pulling a double shift. MARKS You mean... RIZZO We'll be out here all night. She turns and pulls a small "Firestarter" laser from her belt. She zaps a pile of kindling, which grows into a pleasant campfire. Marks sits down on a blanket. Rizzo straddles him, and after kissing for a moment, gets back up. MARKS What are you -- He shuts up as she begins dancing seductively around the fire, unbuttoning her vest. She turns her back to him and lets the vest slip to the ground, revealing her bra. Marks grabs the Firestarter and shears it off. RIZZO Hey! She turns with her arms crossed over her chest. MARKS It's okay babe! He waves the Firestarter and grins like a dork. She lowers her arms. RIZZO I don't know what I see in you. Marks eyes her breasts with a distant tone in his voice. MARKS I know what I see in you. He beckons to her. CUT TO: INT. ELRF - INFIRMARY Happy and Genz walk in to find Ash observing Will, now fully dressed, on a bed. GENZ So this is the guy, huh? ASH You can wait outside. HAPPY We're assigned to guard this gentleman. ASH Well, you can stand guard outside. He may have a contagion. Genz and Happy nod understandingly and make a hasty exit. Before going out the door, Happy grabs a vial off of a counter. EXT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Genz sits down in a metal chair. She looks at the vial in Happy's hand and scowls. GENZ Happy...you're kidding. HAPPY What? GENZ Aren't you in enough trouble for stealing from the infirmary? He pulls a small syringe from his vest. HAPPY No one knows I'm the one who did it. GENZ I know. HAPPY You're not going to narc on me, are ya Genz? GENZ Why the hell not? He shrugs and stabs the needle into the vial. HAPPY Have you ever tried Hypno? This shit will give you more of a rush than any combat experience. GENZ It's a sleep aid. HAPPY Trust me, the right amount will fuck you up. GENZ Sounds real tempting, but no thanks. HAPPY Suit yourself. You keep dreaming about having a life, and I'll live the dream. He injects into his arm. GENZ I'm really uncomfortable. HAPPY Oh? I feel greeeeeat... He slides down into a chair and sighs contentedly. CUT TO: INT. FROST'S QUARTERS Frost turns down the lights in the obsessively-clean room and lies down on his bunk, shutting his eyes. After a moment of silence, a drop of blood hits his forehead. Frost wrinkles his brow and rolls over. Another drop spatters his ear, then another. Frost rolls over and looks up. FROST'S POV: The ceiling is swimming with blood - like a sea of gore floating over him. Frost screams and leaps from the bunk. Freddy emerges from the blood, untouched and clean as he can be, drifting down toward Frost. FROST Who are you? FREDDY I'm the plague. Without further ado, he plunges the claws through Frost's heart. Frost sags in Freddy's grasp, who pulls him up into the blood -- INT. VOORHEES HOUSE - CONTINUOUS -- and out into Jason's front hall. FROST Please...no... FREDDY An autopsy's in order, wouldn't you say Doc? I'll let you watch! He laughs loudly. CUT TO: INT. UPSTAIRS BEDROOM Uber-Jason is standing in an empty, rancid room with Pamela. He hears the laughter and turns to the door. PAMELA (O.S.) Jason... He turns back and sees her standing in front of the door, which has inexplicably moved to the other side of the room. PAMELA Mind your manners, Jason. CUT TO: INT. ELRF - INFIRMARY Will shakes his head and sits up. WILL What happened? Ash preps a syringe and smiles sadly. WILL What - no, PLEASE don't put me to sleep again. I'm begging you. ASH It's for your own good. You're experiencing cryo-shock. WILL No, I'm not. I didn't kill her. ASH ...How do you know about Radsha? WILL Freddy killed her. Ash sits down a safe distance from the bed. ASH Who's Freddy? WILL Fred Krueger. He killed hundreds of children in Springwood, Illinois... ASH You really don't know, do you? WILL Know what? ASH The year, Will...is 2460. He stares blankly at her, then sits up. WILL I've been in cryostasis for over 400 years? ASH You're not the first. WILL He did this. That son of a bitch! ASH Keep it down! There are guards outside. You're supposed to be sedated. WILL Sorry. (beat) Look, Krueger is a spirit. He kills people in their dreams. You die there, you die here. Get it? Ash nods hesitantly. WILL (CONT'D) I know you think I'm full of shit, but just listen. I've been aware of what he's been doing. He tried to trick me, to make me think everything was normal...but I know now. I know what he did. ASH Tell me. WILL He caused that car accident. I feel asleep at the wheel. Ran into a building. Because of him. (pause) Krueger made it so that they couldn't treat me. And then, once I was in cryostasis...he could use my mind to kill at any time. (pause) First it was Springwood. Then Illinois. Then...he just got stronger and stronger. Strong enough that I couldn't fight him at all. He's like a god now, you see. His influence grew with each victim. The horror, the panic he caused... He swings his legs off the bed and leans into Ash's face. WILL (CONT'D) You HAVE to believe me when I say this...Freddy killed the Earth. It was his doing. ASH My God. WILL Quite a delusion, right? ASH No...I think I almost believe you. (pause) When Tak lost it...he spoke in a different voice. It wasn't Tak. WILL Krueger. ASH So...he's in your mind now? WILL No. He left. ASH What? WILL I know, I know. He must've found someone else. And you have got to keep me conscious until I can figure out who. (beat) I know you don't trust me...but I trust you. Ash looks away, deeply conflicted. CUT TO: INT. TENT - NIGHT Rizzo dismounts Marks and sweeps her damp hair back. RIZZO Mmmm, you're so good. MARKS I know. He stretches and snaps another glowstick. RIZZO Are you tired? MARKS Yeah. RIZZO Aw, c'mon! MARKS You'll have to do something to keep my eyes open. RIZZO You know, they say this lake has a death curse. MARKS (LAUGHING) Huh? RIZZO That five years ago, a star fell into the waters...and since then, the lake's been cursed. MARKS Oh, that's just that Voorhees stiff. Everything becomes a stupid campfire story. He rolls away from her. MARKS (CONT'D) Hey, wake me up if Ylland calls. She slaps his back. He responds with a snore. NEW ANGLE Marks sighs and rolls over. MARKS Okay, I'm sorry. Rizzo's gone. Marks grabs the glowstick and unzips the tent. EXT. TENT - CONTINUOUS He sweeps his hand through his knapsack. Empty. MARKS Where's my stuff?...Rizzo! Fuckin' bitch. Standing up, he surveys the clearing. MARKS I was gonna fucking apologize, Riz! Two trees burst into flame. Freddy emerges from between them. FREDDY Hey, pretty boy. MARKS Who the fuck are you? Where's Rizzo?? FREDDY The bitch isn't here. Marks runs at Freddy. CUT TO: INT. TENT In the real world, Rizzo hears a grunt and turns to see blood running from Marks's mouth. RIZZO Marks?? CUT TO: EXT. DREAM WOODS Marks slams into a tree trunk, four slashes on his bare chest. MARKS You asshole!! Freddy beckons with both hands and a sadistic grin. CUT TO: INT. VOORHEES HOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM MARKS (V.O.) ASSHOLE!! Uber-Jason turns toward the door again. Pamela crosses her arms in front of it. PAMELA Jason! Stop! He takes a step toward her. She seems fearful. PAMELA Jason...Mother is talking to you. Now you listen to me! CUT TO: EXT. DREAM WOODS Freddy has Marks's throat in his grip. He lowers him toward the campfire. MARKS No! NO! NO! FREDDY Wanna see how I create this look? He gestures to his scarred face with his claws. MARKS PLEASE NO!! CUT TO: INT. VOORHEES HOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM MARKS (V.O.) NO!! Uber-Jason reaches for the doorknob. Pamela clamps her hand down on his. PAMELA I said NO!! Uber-Jason pulls his hand back - the machete in his grasp. PAMELA Jason?? He rears back -- CUT TO: EXT. DREAM WOODS Freddy pushes Marks's head into the flames -- CUT TO: INT. VOORHEES HOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM Uber-Jason DECAPITATES PAMELA. She VANISHES. CUT TO: EXT. DREAM WOODS The fire shrinks out of sight. FREDDY Huh? He drops Marks and turns to see Uber-Jason entering the clearing! FREDDY What are you doing?! He whirls back to see Marks fading out of the clearing. Freddy slashes at thin air. FREDDY FUCK! He turns back to Uber-Jason, who also fades out...the entire clearing begins to blur. FREDDY NO! NOOOOOOOOOOO! CUT TO: INT. ELRF - CONTAINMENT ONE Jarves, tapping the dull end of his machete against his palm, hears mercury sloshing in the tank. ZOOM IN on the glass... Uber-Jason's FIST SLAMS AGAINST IT! JARVES What in the holy hell... He starts to back off. The fist cuts through the quicksilver and hits the glass again. A tiny crack appears. Starts to web out. Faster. Wider. JARVES Oh JESUS -- THE TANK EXPLODES. A wave of liquid metal slams Jarves into the observation window. The toxic element gushes over the floor and up the walls, settling in a solid pool. Jarves grabs at his shattered visor and chokes. JARVES Oh fucking shit! He sees something far worse approaching him. CU: Uber-Jason's hand wraps around the handle of the machete. His other hand wrenches the mask from over the door. JASON IS BACK. He turns to Jarves with a look of hatred. The private stumbles to his feet and backs into the observation window -- INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS The machete skewers his torso AND the window, spurting blood into the room. The machete cuts upward through the glass, cleaving Jarves in half. Uber-Jason shoves Jarves aside and shatters the window. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Happy and Genz are still sitting outside the infirmary. As Happy slips into slumber, Genz reaches over tentatively and takes the syringe from his hand. She rolls up her sleeve. CUT TO: INT. INFIRMARY Will lies back. WILL Let me show you. Let me bring you into my dream. ASH How? WILL Just relax, and look into my eyes. She sits back and stares deeply at him. WILL (CONT'D) Relax...watch me... CUT TO: INT. CONTAINMENT ONE - DREAM Will and Ash are holding hands in the room. Except there is no mercury spill, and the tank is intact - only empty. ASH My God. WILL What is this? ASH You tell me. WILL This is yours, not mine. ASH It looks like Containment One. The Voorhees specimen would be here. WILL Voorhees? ASH An anomaly we're studying. He killed several of my colleagues...including my mentor, Rowan. (beat) What does it mean if the tank's empty? WILL I'm not sure. ASH He was supposed to be comatose. WILL Comatose? ASH Right. WILL Voorhees...what does he look like? ASH He's deformed. Possibly handicapped. WILL I saw him. The boy in my dreams. I saw him and so did Freddy. ASH So...? WILL Freddy could be using him! Maybe that's why we don't see him here. ASH I hope it's only that... CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Ash opens the door and finds Happy asleep, and Genz higher than fuck. She motions for Will to follow her out. GENZ Hey, you can't do that! ASH Watch us. GENZ Okay. She slumps back and smiles. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM Ylland and Somas are monitoring the facility. Ash and Will enter. YLLAND What's going on here, Doctor?! ASH You have to listen to Will. YLLAND Somas, arrest him. ASH Somas, please don't! SOMAS I take my orders from Commander Ylland, Doctor. ASH Will knows how Radsha died! And the rest of us are going to die too if we don't trust him! YLLAND Somas, call Chinatown. ASH Why won't you at least fucking listen to ME? A monitor strobes brightly. SOMAS Commander...there's a security breach in Containment One. ASH Oh, no. WILL Voorhees? YLLAND Dammit, Somas arrest him! Ash draws a pistol. YLLAND Where'd you get that? ASH Happy. YLLAND Shit. ASH Somas, you'd better use everything you've got against Voorhees. SOMAS Sir? Ylland looks from the pistol, to Ash, to Will. YLLAND Go. Get everyone suited up. Somas makes a wide berth around Ash as he exits. YLLAND You're only making this worse. ASH I don't think it's going to get any worse than it already is. CUT TO: INT. BUNKER Los, Kurt, Coral, Somas and Chinatown pull on their battle armor and load up with pulse rifles. SOMAS Anyone see Genz and Happy? KURT Nope. CHINATOWN They've probably been butchered. That cryo-jock needs to die before he kills anyone else. SOMAS We have our orders. Neutralize Voorhees. CORAL No sweat. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR A pair of heavy steel doors retract to reveal Uber-Jason standing in the middle of the corridor. On the other side of the door, the Marines aim their powerful weapons. SOMAS On my mark. Uber-Jason looks them over indifferently. SOMAS Waste 'im. They open fire, and a wave of armor-piercing rounds batters Uber-Jason. He stands his ground as his chest plate is dented, exposed limbs jerking with each impact. They stop firing and stare with a mixture of awe and terror. Somas hits the control panel to close the doors. SOMAS Fall back! They retreat from the corridor, dumping empty clips on the floor. KURT What the fuck, man? CHINATOWN Somas, Containment Two is at the other end of that hall. KURT Right, it's been breached. CHINATOWN If we can open it...we can drown the fucker. SOMAS All right. We'll have to hardwire the door. Coral, Los, into the filtration ducts. They nod and head off. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM Ash, Will and Ylland watch the monitors. YLLAND Marks, Rizzo, do you read me? CUT TO: INT. TENT Marks is moaning in pain, the back of his head scorched. Rizzo attends to it, not hearing the headset which lies on the ground. CUT TO: INT. FILTRATION DUCT Los props himself on his back and removes a duct plate to expose a panel of wires. LOS Gimme some light, Coral. She fixes a penlight on the panel. CORAL Is this gonna work? LOS Who the fuck knows? CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Uber-Jason approaches the doors and drags the machete across them. A low rumble catches his attention. At the other end of the corridor, the Containment Two doors begin to part. Water escapes in spurts. Uber-Jason starts toward the doors. Water is gushing out under intense pressure, the doors whining as they retract. A flood races toward him. Jason is floored by the impact. CUT TO: INT. OUTER CORRIDOR Somas listens with satisfaction as water sloshes against the door. KURT Now what? SOMAS We wait. CUT TO: INT. FILTRATION DUCT Coral removes a duct plate from the bottom and looks into the corridor. Water is slowly rising toward the ceiling. CORAL Did it. LOS Let's blow out of here. Uber-Jason's hand tears out of the water and into the duct, swiping at them! CORAL Aaah shit! LOS Get back! The hand squeezes Los's ankle and drags him out of the duct. Coral grabs his arms. CORAL Hold on!! LOS I can't---! He screams as blood pools around his shoulders. LOS My ARMS! CORAL LOS HOLD ON! He's jerked out of sight. Screaming hysterically, Coral fires an automatic pistol through the ductwork at every angle. Uber-Jason's fist punches through the duct, THROUGH HER, and into the wiring above. CUT TO: INT. OUTER CORRIDOR Chinatown raises an eyebrow as the doors start to open. CHINATOWN What's going on, Somas... SOMAS (INTO HEADSET) Los! Coral! Water floods into the outer corridor. The three remaining Marines make a run for it. Uber-Jason enters the hallway. Kurt looks back and stops. KURT I'll hold him off! SOMAS Forget it! KURT Get out of here and seal this fucking sector! SOMAS I'm giving you an order! KURT Fuck you! He runs back toward Uber-Jason. CHINATOWN Dammit, let's go! He and Somas head in the opposite direction. Kurt dispenses with the formalities of firearms and jump kicks Jason across the face. He ducks under a machete swing and slams a fist into Jason's lower back. Jason backhands Kurt into the steadily-rising water. As Kurt splashes back to his feet - the hurled machete spears his abdomen. KURT Agggh... He reaches for the handle. Jason gets to it first, and shoves the machete deeper, lifting Kurt up. Grabbing Kurt's head with his free hand, Uber-Jason tears the machete out through his side - slicing him in half. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM YLLAND (INTO HEADSET) What the hell is happening down there?! SOMAS (INTERCOM) We've sealed Sector Four! We need backup! YLLAND I'm calling Fort Green. He fumbles with the console. YLLAND We've lost communication. ASH Will... WILL Voorhees is your speciality, not mine. YLLAND This is your friggin' fault! Ylland rises. Ash presses the pistol into his chest. ASH Please don't make me do this. YLLAND You wouldn't. ASH Wouldn't you? Ylland backs down, shaking his head. YLLAND Any life-saving suggestions, Doctor? ASH Will, can Freddy kill Jason in his dreams? WILL I don't know. This guy's inhuman. ASH We've gotta try to knock Jason unconscious. We've got to pit them against one another. WILL It's worth a try. YLLAND If anyone can take Voorhees down, it's my men. Will and Ash are polite enough not to say anything. CUT TO: INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Somas and Chinatown haul their gear and their butts as fast as they can. CHINATOWN Where's he going to come out? SOMAS There's no way he can fight the current. He'll be pushed into the waste system. CHINATOWN You know what we've gotta do. CUT TO: INT. WASTE DISPOSAL SHAFT The pair steps onto a shaky catwalk overlooking a pool of frothy waste. Water is flooding into the pool from tunnels on all sides. Somas pulls out a disc-shaped grenade and waits. Uber-Jason plunges from one of the disposal tunnels into the pool. He rises immediately, his eyes meeting theirs. Chinatown screams over the deafening sound of rushing water. CHINATOWN Do it! Somas drops the grenade. Jason bats it away with his arm - it flies into one of the catwalk's joints and explodes! The catwalk turns on its side, spilling Somas and Chinatown out. They both grab onto the railing. Uber-Jason stands absolutely still below them. Waiting. CHINATOWN Ahhh, fuck... He glances at a huge gash in his wrist. CHINATOWN I can't fucking hold on! SOMAS Don't say that! Somas tries to pull himself onto the catwalk, but it groans and sags precariously. Chinatown lets go. SOMAS NO!! Chinatown plunges into the pool - and rises faster than even Jason did, hammering the Uber mask with bone-crunching force. Unfortunately, the bones are in Chinatown's hand. He stumbles back in agony. CHINATOWN FUCK!!! Uber-Jason raises the machete. Chinatown buries his other fist in Jason's chest plate, his fingers buckling. CHINATOWN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! SOMAS CHINA!! CHINATOWN GET OUT SOMAS!!! Uber-Jason seizes Chinatown by the throat. Two shattered hands drop weakly. CHINATOWN What you got, you piece of shit... Uber-Jason SQUEEZES. Blood bubbles over Chinatown's lips. Somas pulls another grenade from his vest, and drops. CRANE OVER the catwalk as an enormous explosion tears hungrily up the shaft. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM Ylland pounds on the blank monitors. YLLAND What happened?? China! Somas!! One monitor swims into focus, overlooking the shaft. Smoke and debris fill the screen. Uber-Jason comes into view, sloshing through the waste. YLLAND No DAMMIT NO!! WILL Shit! He runs out of the control room. Ash goes after him. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Happy opens his eyes and sees Genz asleep on the other side of the infirmary door. HAPPY Nice. (pause) It smells like shit in here. He turns and sees Uber-Jason holding the Hypno needle. HAPPY Oh boy. The syringe is driven through his throat, nailing him to the wall. Genz stirs and looks up. GENZ Oh my God! Falling to the floor, she draws her pistol. GENZ'S POV: Jason is a blurry shape moving towards her. Her sweaty fingers slip uselessly across the trigger. CUT TO: INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Will and Ash hear Genz's distant screams. ASH Infirmary. By the entrance... CUT TO: INT. ENTRYWAY The doors retract to let in a cool night wind, the stars twinkling over the treetops. Uber-Jason stares at the scene with something not unlike satisfaction. He walks out, and the doors start to close behind him. Ash and Will race toward the doors. ASH No! JASON! JASON!! SLAM. CUT TO: EXT. EMERALD LAKE - NIGHT Uber-Jason surveys his hunting grounds. His chest swells; his fingers tighten around the machete. A cry echoes in his head: MARKS (V.O.) NO!!! Jason heads into the woods. CUT TO: INT. ENTRYWAY Ash rips looks at the array of wires hanging from the door's control panel. ASH We can't get out. Not this way. WILL Then how? CUT TO: INT. VEHICLE STORAGE Ash opens a futuristic Jeep and gestures for Will to get in. WILL Do you know how to drive this? ASH No, I'm just going to kick it until it goes somewhere. She sighs and climbs in. CUT TO: EXT. SURFACE GARAGE A door rises in a small building on the lakefront, and the Jeep squeals out onto the grass. INT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS They bounce violently. ASH Just hold on tight. WILL Way ahead of you. CUT TO: EXT. TENT - NIGHT Rizzo sits beside Marks by the campfire. MARKS I can't explain it. My head... RIZZO I can explain it. She holds up the Firestarter. RIZZO (CONT'D) You were laying on this, must've burned yourself that way. MARKS What about these? He points to the claw marks on his chest. RIZZO You rolled onto something, I don't know. MARKS But it was so fucking real. RIZZO Hey. We're safe out here. (beat) Look, is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Marks smiles sheepishly. POV FROM WOODS: Rizzo stands up and starts to undo her vest again. "Ki ki ki, ma ma ma" as we move behind a tree. Marks leans back and closes his eyes. Rizzo kneels and her head drops out of frame. MARKS That's it... He groans. Uber-Jason steps into the clearing behind him. Rizzo looks up. RIZZO What the hell? MARKS Nah, keep going. It's okay. RIZZO Marks! He looks up and sees Jason. They both scramble back. Marks grabs the pneumatic gun and fires. A metal stake sinks into Jason's unprotected abdomen. MARKS Get our guns Riz! She dives into the tent. Marks fires again. Jason CATCHES the stake. MARKS Rizzo!! RIZZO (O.S.) I don't know where they are!! Jason plants the stake in Marks's chest. He fires another one point-blank through Voorhees. MARKS DIE! Jason shoves Marks into a tree, grabs the gun and nails him through the head with a pneumatic hiss. Rizzo rolls out of the tent into a firing position. Jason is gone. Marks dangles before her. RIZZO (CRYING) No, oh God no...Marks... Jason grabs the blanket and whips it around her head, twisting it tight. He swings her by the head into a tree with a CRUNCH that snaps the joints in her limbs. Headlights illuminate Uber-Jason and he turns -- UBER-JASON'S POV: The Jeep roars toward us. It plows across the campsite, through the tent. Jason slams into the grill. The pneumatic gun is kicked into the air with other flying debris. It hits a tree. Jason's back hits the gun as his legs are crushed against the trunk. INT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS The impact throws both Ash and Will into the windshield. They slump back, unconscious. EXT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS Uber-Jason leans forward on the hood, shaking his head. The tip of a stake protrudes from his chest plate. His legs are fixed tightly between Jeep and tree. Jason falls onto the hood, eyes closed. CUT TO: INT. BOILER ROOM Ash falls against a wall of pipes and winces. PULL BACK to reveal the red-tinged, steam-filled hell. ASH Will?? A hissing cloud of steam envelops her. She screams and stumbles down a fight of stairs. Metal shrieks against metal. XCU on Freddy's dragging claws. His laugh fills the room. Ash cowers. ASH ...Krueger? He parts a steam cloud and raises his hands in mock surrender. FREDDY You've got me. ASH WILL! FREDDY Will isn't here, bitch! He plucks her off the floor and hurls her over a bank of pipes. Ash slams into the greasy floor, coughing. FREDDY (V.O.) It's just you and me, Ashley. She struggles to her feet. Freddy slips his arm around her neck and whispers into her ear. FREDDY I haven't seen a real little girl in years. HUNDREDS of years. She pulls away from him and finds herself backing down a catwalk. He gleefully rakes his claws over the railing, sparks washing over him. FREDDY I've been lonely, Ashley. But now I've got a whole new world. ASH Jason isn't in a coma anymore. You can't use him. FREDDY I'll find others. I just wanted to get away from Will -- He hauls Will out from behind his back like a cheap magic trick. The man is bruised and bloodied beyond description. ASH Let him go! FREDDY I already have. Grinning at Ash the entire time, he slams his claws into Will's chest. Will's eyes snap open and he cries out. WILL STOP HIM ASH!! Freddy snarls and heaves Will over the railing. FREDDY Now that I've dumped him, we can be together. Right Ashley? She looks down at her arms - the flesh splits and peels back to reveal Freddy's sleeves. ASH NOOOOOOOO!!! She bolts, Freddy lumbering after her in cackling pursuit. Ashley slams into the side of the huge boiler. She's trapped. Freddy teasingly takes one slow step after another down the catwalk. FREDDY I'm coming, Ashley. You scared? He slashes a nearby pipe and laughs. FREDDY Open wide!! He lunges forward -- Uber-Jason RIPS OUT OF THE BOILER, over Ashley's head, slamming down onto the catwalk and backhanding Freddy! Freddy careens through several steam clouds and smacks resoundingly into a concrete wall. Uber-Jason turns to Ash. She vaults over the railing and into a smoky abyss. Uber-Jason turns back - Freddy is there. FREDDY You---! He slashes Jason's chest. Jason catches his wrist and flings him off the catwalk. NEW ANGLE Uber-Jason stalks into the depths of the boiler room. Freddy's razor claws slice up through the floor, and he leaps into Voorhees's path. FREDDY Fucker! Uber-Jason slams Freddy's head into a pipe, breaking it in half. He then plows Freddy through a pipe on the other side of the passage. Freddy swipes back and stabs into Uber-Jason's head. Jason tries to throw him off, but he remains stuck. FREDDY I'll give you something to cry about, boy! CUT TO: INT. CRYSTAL LAKE RESEARCH FACILITY - LAB Freddy yanks his claws free. He and Uber-Jason are standing in a dimly-lit, metallic room. A thin gas hovers in the air. FREDDY Look familiar? UBER-JASON'S POV: Several military personnel and doctors watch through a window. Jason charges at them - a cable lashes down from the ceiling and around his throat. Freddy laughs as Jason is pulled off his feet. The cable tightens. FREDDY I'm just getting started! Electrical current surges through the cable. Jason's body jolts and jerks in mid-air. FREDDY You're nothing. You're a brainless piece of meat. Smoke curls from Jason's eyeholes. He clenches his fists and struggles against the cable. FREDDY (CONT'D) I know you from somewhere... (beat) Doesn't matter. You're fucked- - With a mighty wrench of his entire body, Jason pulls the cable from the ceiling - and he and Freddy crash THROUGH THE FLOOR into INT. WESTIN SANITARIUM TOWER - CONTINUOUS They plunge from the top of the ancient structure to the stone below. Freddy lands in a plume of dust and rolls away. Uber-Jason stands up and looks coldly at him. FREDDY Why won't you DIE?! He grimaces at their surroundings. FREDDY (CONT'D) Get out of my head, you tin-canned maggot! He launches into the air and stabs at Uber-Jason, who steps aside and propels Freddy into the winding staircase. Krueger bounces off the wall and torpedoes into Jason. Voorhees crashes into the wall, then the floor -- Then levitates into the air as Freddy gestures at him. FREDDY Don't fuck with a god! Jason slams face first into the wall. Bits of brick and dust filter down as the tower quakes. He flips around and gets his spine bruised similarly. Freddy flicks his wrist, rolling Uber-Jason over again and again and beating him senseless. The armored killer crumples to the ground. FREDDY Amateur. He walks over and picks Jason up with one hand. Jason slugs him in the groin. FREDDY AAAAAAGHHH!!! Krueger staggers to the floor, but speedily regains his composure and gets up, adjusting his fedora. A low roar builds in his throat - His middle claw grows to several feet and, detaching from his glove, impales Jason to the opposite wall! The triumphant roar escapes Freddy's lips. Uber-Jason struggles futilely to pull himself off the claw. Freddy grins. FREDDY (BOY JASON'S VOICE) Mommy? Don't let me drown! Mommy? Jason struggles harder. Freddy ascends the stairs. FREDDY I've been guarding my gate for a long time, you little bastard. He regards the tower one last time. FREDDY (CONT'D) This is your nightmare now. He hops out the door, laughing. CUT TO: INT. CHAPEL Freddy throws open the heavy oak doors and saunters down the aisle. Ash is lying on the altar in a flowery white dress. ASH Krueger... FREDDY Nice try. But Momma's Boy isn't going to save you this time. The stained-glass window over the altar EXPLODES. Uber-Jason flies down into the aisle, landing in a crouch. He rises to face Krueger. Freddy gives him the finger, and the middle claw springs back in place. FREDDY Stop hiding behind that armor! Uber-Jason's arms splay out to either side. He lifts off the floor. FREDDY I think it's time we exposed your inner child. He raises his eyebrows and watches as Jason's armor begins rattling. It starts to tear off. The mask flies away, revealing Jason's raw visage. His teeth gnash, red eyes darting about. The torso armor shrieks away from Jason. His ragged insides are exposed. FREDDY You've looked better! Ash watches the scene unfold in horror. Freddy moves his hands like a puppeteer, causing the rest of the armor and leather to tear away from Jason. Jason's ripped straitjacket and pants rise over his shoulders and around his thighs. Chains lash over his arms. Freddy plucks a hockey mask out of nowhere and tosses it up. The de-Ubered Jason is hidden in shadow. Freddy tilts his head, assessing the finished product. FREDDY Now... Jason drops into the aisle with a crash. Ash hears a faint sound, a blaring noise. She turns her head toward the window. FREDDY Come and get me. Jason rises into the light and opens his hand. A machete flies into it. FREDDY That's it. Do it for your whore of a mother. She's waiting for you in Hell! The blaring noise increases for Ash. She slides off the altar. Freddy glances over Jason's shoulder at her. FREDDY What are you doing, bitch?! Ash pounds on the brick wall. It begins to tremble and fall apart. The blaring grows louder. Jason grabs Freddy's shoulder. ASH WAKE UP!!! The blaring builds to an earth-shaking crescendo. CUT TO: INT. JEEP Ash lifts her head from the steering wheel. The horn stops. She looks through the windshield. Jason, in his zombie form, is still pinned to the tree - but he holds Freddy in his grasp! FREDDY NO! ASH KILL HIM!!! Jason hefts Freddy up and smashes him into the hood of the Jeep! Ash pulls herself from the vehicle and collapses. Jason shoves the Jeep back. Freddy backs away, clicking his claws nervously. FREDDY She's all yours, Jason. She's what you want, isn't she. Kill 'er! Jason gets too close, and Freddy slashes across the hockey mask, leaving four deep grooves. Jason hacks Freddy's claw off with one backswing. FREDDY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! Jason bats him across the clearing. Freddy wraps around a tree trunk and slams into the dirt. Ash runs from the clearing. Jason looks after her, then at Freddy. He makes his choice. Freddy looks up and catches a machete in the face. He backpedals through the air and comes down hard, gore gushing from his skull. Jason falls upon him, chopping mercilessly. CUT TO: INT. ELRF - VEHICLE STORAGE Ash runs down a sloping passage into the garage and falls again. Hands seize her from O.S. ASH NO!! YLLAND It's all right, it's me. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM Ylland is back at the console. YLLAND I'll try to get communications up and running. You say Voorhees is out there? ASH Yeah - but at least he's the only one we have to worry about. YLLAND I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. She doesn't respond. Ylland focuses on the console. Ash steps forward and taps a surveillance monitor. ASH Who's that? A grainy image of a limping, stumbling figure in the corridors. YLLAND I don't know. (into headset) Los? Coral? If anyone can hear me, please respond. CUT TO: INT. INFIRMARY Freddy's head slams into the floor. In a state of shock, eyes wide open, he pushes himself across the room. In his remaining hand, he clutches his opposite arm; a trail of dark blood extends out the door and down the hall. His one working foot allows him to make it to the nanotech bed at the end of the room. Freddy sits up. A quarter of his skull slides away, taking an eye with it. His brain pulsates like a fearful heart. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM YLLAND Someone's in the infirmary. ASH Oh, no. Krueger. YLLAND What's going on? ASH Get a pulse rifle! She runs for the exit. ASH (CONT'D) C'mon, hurry! CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Ash and Ylland head for the infirmary. The doors blow out, crashing into the wall. Smoke filters into the corridor. YLLAND Ash...what's in there? HE steps out. A metal plate is grafted onto the missing portion of his head, covering the eye socket. Half of his teeth have been replaced with metal facsimiles, a lipless grin spreading from ear to ear. Beneath his tattered sweater, steel piping and gears work in place of his right side. His arm raises to reveal a new set of curved, razor-sharp claws. A robotic foot stomps down. His laugh is amplified throughout the facility. UBER-FREDDY Say hello to UBER-FREDDY!! YLLAND Goodbye!! He riddles Uber-Freddy with bullets. The dream stalker swaggers forward, shaking his head. ASH Ylland, no! Run! YLLAND I SAID GOODBYE!!! His face is contorted with rage. Ash takes off. Uber-Freddy spreads his claws wide with a whirring of gears in his synthetic hand. He slashes across Ylland. The barrel of the rifle drops. Ylland's head falls away, followed by his arm. Uber-Freddy shoves the body aside. CUT TO: INT. CONTROL ROOM Ash runs back in, throwing open an ammo locker and grabbing twin Gyro pistols. She glances at the monitors and sees the same wounded figure hobbling along. ASH What? But I thought...WILL!! CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR Ashley runs down the hall, crying Will's name. She turns a corner and comes to a sudden halt. The zombie stands before her in all his glory. ASH Jason. He takes a step forward, cuing Ash to empty the Gyros into his chest. Pieces of his chain clatter to the floor as he stumbles back. Finally, he comes to rest on the floor. Ash drops the smoking pistols. CUT TO: INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Will slumps against a door, hands pressed against his chest. The door opens behind him, and Ash swoops in. ASH Are you all right? WILL Not really. She kneels beside him. ASH They're unstoppable. WILL I know. ASH Should I even ask? Will stares dazedly at her. ASH (CONT'D) ...What can we do? WILL We can flood it. Flood it all. Seal them in. ASH We might die. WILL Either way... He parts his fingers to reveal the deep stab wounds in his chest. CUT TO: INT. LAB Ash helps Will into a seat, and she taps a computer screen. WILL What are we doing? ASH I have an idea. It worked once on Jason, it might work now...how much do you know about Freddy? CUT TO: INT. VR CHAMBER Uber-Freddy stalks into view. The room is wide and empty. Yet he narrows his eye and speaks in a metallic snarl. UBER-FREDDY I can smell you. Ash emerges from the shadows on the other side of the room. UBER-FREDDY The rules have changed. They're MY rules now. ASH Not here. She touches her headset. ASH (WHISPERING) Do it, Will! A shimmering wave generates behind Ash and washes over her, washes over the entire room -- EXT. PARK - DAY Uber-Freddy finds himself standing in the middle of a sunny park. A trio of girls jump rope in SLOW-MOTION, chanting in a haunting tone: GIRLS (V.O.) One, too, she's coming for you... Three, four, better guard your door... Looking back where Ash once stood - we see AMANDA KRUEGER, in the prime of her life, an almost-angelic hue around her habit. She looks pitifully at her son. UBER-FREDDY No. AMANDA You shouldn't have crossed over. UBER-FREDDY You're dead, bitch. You're dead and dead again. AMANDA Wrong. UBER-FREDDY Don't FUCK with me. I know a dream when I see it. AMANDA This isn't a dream. He glances down at the buzzing gears in his right arm. He clicks his claws and looks around again. UBER-FREDDY No! AMANDA You can't hurt anyone ever again. He stalks forward and slashes through her. AMANDA I told you...this isn't a dream. UBER-FREDDY I'll tear you apart!! CUT TO: INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR Water rushes down the hall at torrential speeds. CUT TO: INT. VR CHAMBER Water floods across the park. Freddy cringes as the world distorts and flickers around him... AMANDA Goodbye, Frederick... He turns from her, and sees the VR world collapsing. He turns back. JASON. Uber-Freddy blocks the machete with his razor claws and leaps back. He skewers Jason on all four knives and hurls him into the wall. CUT TO: INT. LAB Ash runs in as Will watches the computer screen. WILL Jason's in there! ASH The facility's flooding. We can still get out, Will! WILL Go. I'll keep them sealed in the VR chamber. ASH I won't do it. He takes his hands from his chest and watches blood run down his shirt. ASH Will, please! WILL I brought him here. It's my responsibility. He looks determinedly at Ash. She touches his hand, no words to express the grief of the moment. Then she leaves him. CUT TO: INT. VR CHAMBER The machete is sheared in half. Freddy kicks the bottom half from Jason's hand into the wall, then gives Jason the same treatment. As Jason drops into the waist-level water, Uber-Freddy slogs toward the exit. Jason jumps out behind him and grabs him around the neck. Freddy flips over him and stabs Jason repeatedly in the back. UBER-FREDDY Stay dead this time!! CUT TO: INT. VEHICLE STORAGE Ashley, soaked from head to toe, runs out of the facility. CUT TO: INT. LAB Dying Will slouches on the computer as sparks rain down around him. CUT TO: INT. VR CHAMBER Uber-Freddy hurls Jason headfirst into the wall. He kicks out of the water and across the hockey mask. Jason careens across the chamber and splashes down again. He shakes his stunned head. Roaring like a madman, Uber-Freddy hacks and slices into Jason, driving him back in a flurry of punches and stabbings. Jason hits the wall and dodges aside, allowing Freddy to bury his claws there. He bends the mechanical arm back, bringing him face-to-face with Krueger. UBER-FREDDY Give me your best shot. Jason plunges his hand through Krueger's back, clutching his sinewy black heart! He tears Freddy free of the wall with another blow to the chest. Krueger comes to rest atop the water, floating motionless. Jason drops the weakly-beating muscle and wades toward him. Springing up, Uber-Freddy grabs either side of Jason's head. UBER-FREDDY Never needed it! He plunges him beneath the surface. UNDERWATER Jason struggles frantically, a flood of air bubbles escaping the mask holes. Grabbing Uber-Freddy's waist, he pulls him down. Freddy laughs and tightens his grip on Jason's skull. Jason grabs Freddy's skull plate and begins prying it off. Fresh blood geysers out. Freddy's eye widens, then narrows. The hockey mask cracks under the pressure of Freddy's Uber claw. The skull plate is torn away. Jason clamps onto Krueger's raw head. A crack expands along the middle of the mask, and the top half floats off, exposing Jason's hateful eyes, sunken in a mass of misshapen flesh. Freddy plants his feet on the floor and jettisons them both upward. They burst from the water in SLOW MOTION with several feet of clearance -- And Uber-Freddy skewers Jason's skull below the chin, the claws emerging from the top of the head and nailing it to the ceiling. Uber-Freddy and Jason now dangle helplessly above the water. The gears in Krueger's arm whir and struggle. Jason's blood-filled eyes look down at Freddy below the half mask. They roll over to the right, where the lower half of his machete is stuck in the wall. UBER-FREDDY Didn't think I was gonna let you get away, did ya? Jason grabs the machete and, in one broad stroke, frees it and DECAPITATES UBER-FREDDY. JASON'S POV: As the machete swings out of view, Freddy's head, a shocked expression frozen on his face, drops into the water. Jason relinquishes the machete and goes limp. A moment on the two corpses, water still gushing into the chamber. Then we FADE OUT. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. EMERALD LAKE - DAY Ash, in civilian clothing, is sitting on the shore of the lake on a bright summer morning. She watches a lone FISHERMAN push out onto the lake in a rowboat. Skipping a few rocks into the water, she gets up and walks away. The fisherman casts out and whistles cheerfully as he reels the line in. He reacts to a tug and pulls the rod back. FISHERMAN C'mon, c'mon... He hauls out a small mass of debris covered in plant matter. Scowling, he dumps it into the boat and works his hook out. The fisherman peels away the plants, revealing Freddy's Uber claw, and the top half of Jason's mask. FISHERMAN Damned junk. He tosses it back in. INT. LAKE TRACK the claw and mask as they drift down, settling on the bottom, the Morpheus resting in the B.G. Descend THROUGH the earth at a breakneck pace to the VR CHAMBER Where Jason, still wearing the bottom of the mask, is floating free. He thrashes against the sealed doors, then drifts back, falling limp. ZOOM IN on his blank, staring eye, into his pupil, and through absolute blackness to the BOILER ROOM Down a steam-filled corridor to Freddy, who cowers in a dead end, clicking his claws and snarling. FREDDY LET ME OUT!!! HARD CUT TO BLACK. THE END